• NASDAQ100 Index Fund Introduction

    Posted in Stocks on Apr 07, 2024


    The NASDAQ 100 has historically been regarded as the tech-laden index & has seen a constant upward trends over the last 5 years, with the following ticker symbols, AAPL, MSFT, GOOG & GOOGL, NVDA, AMZN, META leading the charge to trillion dollar valuations. But is there still value in the index, if one is to look more closely to it ‘without’ the aforementioned ticker symbols. That is usually a hypothetical but what if it wasn’t. What if we were to trade the individual stocks within the NASDAQ 100 based on merit. Is value for 3x, 4x, or 7x returns still lingering about?

    Standalone C...

  • Forex Trading Basics

    Posted in Forex on Apr 07, 2024

    Introduction to Forex Trading

    Forex trading, short for foreign exchange trading, is like playing a global game of "I'll trade you this for that." But instead of trading toys, you're trading currencies. The purpose? To profit from the constantly changing exchange rates between different currencies.

    Currencies can be both bought (or a 'long' position taken) or sold (a 'short' position). When buying, we profit from the currency moving upwards, whereas selling a currency pair means we profit if the currency pair moves down (similar to shorting stocks).

    Definition and Purpose of Forex Trading
